Friday, October 16, 2015

Getting to Know Brazilian Embroidery (part 2 of 2)

The Basic Stitches

Just like in any other embroidery project, you have to know the basic stitches that you will mostly encounter when making your Brazilian embroidery. The stitches that you will use are the following;

• Bullion – these can be tricky but if you know how to do it right, you’ll love them. And did you know that the secret lies in the kind of needles you use? Milliners needles are best suited for making these stitches.

• Cast-on Buttonhole – Like in bullion stitch, it is also best to use milliners needle in this kind of stitch. Variations for this stitch includes loose cast-on, up-down cast-on and double cast-on.

• Couching - this is mostly called as fine growth as this is used in creating lines of fine growth.

• Detached Buttonhole – it is worked over a straight stitch.

• Drizzle – worked like a cast-on buttonhole, it is just attached at one point though.

• Leaf – a variation of the satin stitch and is mostly used in creating leaf design.

• Pistil or Long-Tailed French Knot – this is a straight stitch with a French knot attached at the end.

• Stem – look more like a twisted rope. It is used in creating stem designs.

You now know about the different stitches that you will mostly encounter when doing your Brazilian embroidery. Now, you have to know what embroidery supplies you will need.

Basically, you will need different kinds of needles for different stitches. Milliners needle, Darners needle and tapestry needles are the ones you will mostly use. You also need to have thread grabber, floss puller, glue stick, doodle cloth, scissors, pin cushion, and needle threaders. You can also prepare small box to store your needles and other small embroidery supplies.

For the threads, you can get a copy of a thread comparison chart. Most of such charts include information such as the size and types of needles to be used, the length of the thread you need and the weight. This will help you identify which thread best suit your needs.

Now that you know the basics that you need to know about Brazilian embroidery, you can surely make your way into creating a beautiful Brazilian embroidery project.


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